Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Eating healthy while pregnant

Like I said on my last post, when I first found out I was pregnant (which I was already 5 weeks when I found out) I started craving not so good for me foods. In fact, I wanted the worst most processed foods I could get my hands on. Ribs, crackers, chips, snickers, ice cream, pizza, chicken nuggets! After work I had no energy to cook and chop so I would eat frozen pizza most nights. I did go with Amy's organic pizzas but still they should only be consumed in moderation. I did give in to these craving the first week or 2 because I could not help myself. I actually did eat a smoothie on 2 different occasions and baby did not like, which left me puking at church and at work. So I decided since the baby was half my meat loving husbands, I better meet the little one half way. So instead of eating smoothies with kale and chia seeds, I opted for tastier versions with berries and bananas. I saved the salads for the evening when I could stomach them easier. I also made sure I did some form of exercise every day- even though all I really wanted to do was sleep. For my sweet tooth I continued to bake vegan desserts with whole wheat flour and apple sauce instead of oil. I always halve the amount of sugar in recipes as well. Now at 4 months I feel great and the cravings have subsided. My body is craving good wholesome foods. I am also enjoying cooking again since my energy levels are back up. This experience is making it clear that I would love to work with pregnant women to help them beat their cravings, and show then them eating how to be healthy during pregnancy.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I am pregnant

I am 4 months pregnant and so excited!! I am going to start writing about my cravings and ways to deal with them. When I first found out it was while I was trying to go Vegan for that month. Well as you all know that only lasted about 10 days. My body needed healthy organic dairy and a small amount of local organic grass fed meats. I will admit when I first found out I was pregnant I did give in to my cravings and was eating things I would never normally eat. Chips, crackers, white bread, candy bars, ect. I knew what I was supposed to be eating, but nothing healthy sounded good. I told myself when I got pregnant I was going to eat healthier than ever, and this was not the case in the beginning. After 2-3 weeks of eating unhealthy, my busy craved good quality healthy foods and I began eating like my pre-pregnant self. I will share healthy easy recipes anyone can make no matter how much time you have.