Sunday, November 6, 2011


Aloha and welcome to Healthy Living With Erica.  I am going to share easy healthy recipes, documentaries, active tips, and so much more!  Please feel free to share your own tips and advice, or comment on something
 you would like to know more about.

Like many of you, diet and nutrition can be confusing. Look around any book store and there are rows and rows of bestseller diet books.  Each book gives you different advice, making it seem you can eat as much as you like, not exercise, and still see results!! People want an easy way to lose the weight that took years for them to gain.  When are we going to realize that any diet that says you can lose weight in two weeks is not true!  And if you do lose the weight in those weeks,  you are more than likely to gain it back plus some. 

With this being said, what can we do to lose weight, have more energy, and feel great?

Eat Whole Foods
Read food labels- If you do not recognize an ingredient, then why would you put it in your body?
Minimize processed foods
Eat fresh, organic free range meats
Keep it simple, fresh, and natural

Please follow my blog where I will post interesting articles on many health related topics.


  1. your awesome Erica!!!!!! so interesting and exciting to read your blog!!!!!!!xoxo Love Chrisinna xoxo

  2. hey Erica, i am reading a new book i got from the library, it is called "cinch" look into it and let me know what u think. It is all about nutrition!!! i read 150 pages of it today, very interesting. made a green smoothie today with water, 100% apple cider, kale, and sunflower seeds in the blender WOW,, so tasty!!! started taking flaxseed oil today, will take 1tbs everday xoxo love u miss u xoxo love chrisinna xoxo
