Monday, March 19, 2012

I am pregnant

I am 4 months pregnant and so excited!! I am going to start writing about my cravings and ways to deal with them. When I first found out it was while I was trying to go Vegan for that month. Well as you all know that only lasted about 10 days. My body needed healthy organic dairy and a small amount of local organic grass fed meats. I will admit when I first found out I was pregnant I did give in to my cravings and was eating things I would never normally eat. Chips, crackers, white bread, candy bars, ect. I knew what I was supposed to be eating, but nothing healthy sounded good. I told myself when I got pregnant I was going to eat healthier than ever, and this was not the case in the beginning. After 2-3 weeks of eating unhealthy, my busy craved good quality healthy foods and I began eating like my pre-pregnant self. I will share healthy easy recipes anyone can make no matter how much time you have.

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