Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy Vegan New Year

Happy New Years everyone!  I have high hopes that this is going to be the BEST year ever.  I married the most amazing man, my in-laws are visiting Hawaii in a few weeks, my mom and sister both live in Hawaii, and I feel confident that this is going to be the year my health counseling business takes off.  To start the year out, I told all of you I am going Vegan for the month of January.  So here goes- everyday I will give you tips, recipes, facts, and more on why going Vegan for a month is not only good for you, but also the environment.  Hope you enjoy! Please understand that I do enjoy high quality animal products from time to time, but many people are not aware where their meat is coming from and the effects of eating as much animal products as we do.  I am not trying to convert you to Veganism.  Instead I want you to see there are tasty Vegan dishes that would be good to add into your normal diet.   

So why am I going Vegan for a month?

Save animals from the horrors of the slaughterhouse
Pollution from livestock farms threatens fish, humans, and  ecosystems
Animal waste contains disease causing pathogens that go into our drinking water
Harvard studies show daily meat eaters are 3 times more likely to develop colon cancer
Heart disease, stroke, and cancer are all related to consuming animal products
80% of deforestation on Amazon rain forest stems from cattle ranching
The amount of grain we feed cattle could feed the entire world plus some.
Cleanse my body

Sunny Blueberry-Corn Muffins - (taken from Vegen With A Vengeance)

1 C flour
1 C cornmeal
1 TBSP baking powder
1/2 Tsp salt
1/3 C sugar
1/2 C corn or vegetable oil
3/4 C soy or almond milk
2 Tbsp soy yogurt
1 Tsp vanilla extract
Zest of 1 lemon
1 1/4 C blueberries

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Lightly grease a twelve muffin tin.
In a large bowl, sift together flour, cornmeal, baking powder, salt, and sugar. 
In a separate bowl, whisk together oil, milk, yogurt, vanilla, and lemon zest.  Fold the wet ingredients into the dry.  Fold in blueberries, being careful not to over mix.
Fill each muffin cup 3/4 full.  Bake for 20-25 minutes, until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Serve warm

Yummy Baked Tofu

1 block firm tofu- cubed
3 Tbsp soy sauce, BBQ, and maple syrup
2 Tbsp ketchup
2 tsp apple cider vinegar and hot sauce

Whisk together all ingredients except tofu in a baking dish.  Add tofu and coat well.  Marinate at least 1 hour.  Bake 375 for 35 minutes

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