Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Do Not Give Up

I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving with your loved ones.  If you decided not to listen to my healthy holiday tips- IT IS OK!!!  Even if you ate as much as you could, and drank yourself silly, there is still hope.   You need to take charge of your life and make smarter choices TODAY.  Please do not think since you pigged out on Thanksgiving, and were so hungover the day after you couldn't move except to heat up leftovers, that you need to give up your healthy routine.  Start new right now!  I dare you.  These small steps will lead to big results.

** Begin day with healthy breakfast**

Oatmeal with walnuts, cinnamon, and sugar

1/2 Cup oatmeal
1 Cup water or milk
1 Tbsp flax seeds
1 Tbsp walnuts
Sprinkle of raw sugar, honey, or 100% maple syrup

1.  Heat milk or water on medium heat until slow boil.  Stir so milk does not scorch
2. Add oatmeal and stir for 1 minute
3. Remove from heat and let stand 1 minute
4. Top with flax seeds, walnuts, and sugar

** Have light healthy lunch**

Nori roll up with avocado, carrots, sprouts, cucumber, dressing

2 sheets Nori- (seaweed)
4 baby carrots
1/4 cucumber
1/4 avocado
1/4 red bell pepper
bunch of sprouts
light dressing- Caesar, ranch, Italian
1.  Julienne carrots and cucumber
2. Scoop out 1/4 avocado-  make sure to keep pit in to keep from turning brown
3. Lay out Nori sheets
4. Add veggies and dressing then roll tightly
5.  Cut in half
6. Enjoy!!!


Even if you are eating healthy try to add at least 30 minutes a day into your schedule

**Eat a nice light dinner**

This can be a grilled piece of salmon, chicken, or steak with a salad.  Be creative. 

**Do not be too hard on yourself. Give thanks to the things you have.  Hug a loved one. Love yourself. ** 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Surviving the Holidays With Unhealthy Friends

I was talking to some friends today about what we were each going to cook for Thanksgiving.   After hearing what everyone else was making (yes the usual mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, turkey, and gravy) I realized none of these dishes are going to be waist friendly.  I love my friends, but unfortunately they are not as health conscious as I am.  The only person I can really count on to make a heart healthy meal with me is my amazing sister Cassie.  Instead of cancelling Thanksgiving dinner and eating alone on this holiday, I decided I was going to bring some EXTRA healthy sides to counteract all the yummy delicious full fat dishes that would be there.  Here are some healthy dishes my sister and I will cook on Wednesday evening for Turkey Day.  I hope you enjoy!!

Low Sugar Cranberry Sauce

2 (12- ounce) bags fresh cranberries
1 Cup orange juice
1 Cup crushed pineapple
1 Cup pomegranate juice
1 Tsp fresh ginger minced
1/4 Cup 100% maple syrup or agave nectar
1 Tsp ground cloves

*Add all ingredients except maple syrup and cloves to a saucepan and cook over medium heat about 6 minutes
*When berries start to pop, stir until thickens
*Remove from heat. Add syrup and cloves.  Chill until ready to serve

Nutrition Content (per serving):
74 calories, 0 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 19 g carbohydrates, 13 g sugars, 3 g fiber, 0 g protein, 4 mg sodium
Healthy Brussel Sprouts

1.5 pounds brussel sprouts
3 tbsp olive oil
1/2 Tsp salt
1/2 Tsp pepper

Heat oven to 400 degrees.  Mix ingredients in a bowl to coat brussel sprouts.  Add to pan.  Roast for about 35-40 minutes or until light brown.  Shake pan every ten minutes to evenly cook.  Top with additional salt to taste


I will add more recipes the next few days.  If you have a favorite dish you are making this year for Thanksgiving please let me know about it!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Healthy Living With Erica: Yo- Yo Dieting

Healthy Living With Erica: Yo- Yo Dieting

Yo- Yo Dieting

Growing up in Pennsylvania I knew every winter I could gain a few pounds when the holidays came around because the weather was colder and I could hide behind sweatshirts and jackets.  It was a constant cycle of gaining a few pounds between October and February, and then losing those pounds in time for the summer months.  Now that I am living in Hawaii and it is bathing suit season all the time, I need to make sure I keep myself in check during the holidays.  Here are some things I do to prevent gaining those extra pounds. 

** Exercise
Many people put exercise on the back burner during the holiday time so they can spend more time with family and friends.  Exercising just 30 minutes a day can burn about 300 calories.  This is equivalent to 1 piece of pumpkin or pecan pie - (2½ inches wide at the crust). 

** Bring healthy alternatives to holiday parties
My favorite thing to do is make healthy alternatives to my favorite holiday dishes.  I will try to post at least one healthy recipe a day during the next month.

** Shop at farmers markets
When I shop at farmers markets and see all the healthy people around me, it reinforces the benefits of eating healthy, local, organic produce.   Not only will you be eating healthy local produce, but you will be supporting local members of your community. 

**Stay healthy with a buddy
Working out, eating healthy, and creating goals with a friend helps hold you accountable for your actions.  Encourage a friend, signifigant other, family member, or an online buddy to stay healthy with you during the holidays.  You may even inspire others around you to create a fitness group in your community. 

These are habits you should abide by all year long.  Just remember to love yourself and your body.  If you do over eat, it is ok.  Start fresh the next day!!

Healthy pumpkin yogurt parfait
Makes: 1 serving


  • 1 6 ounce container plain organic low-fat yogurt
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin-pie spice
  • 1/4 cup favorite all natural granola
  • 1/2 cup canned or fresh pumpkin


1. Mix together yogurt, honey and pumpkin-pie spice.
2. In a bowl, layer yogurt mixture, granola-bar crumbs and pumpkin.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Healthy Holiday Tips

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t
do, than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor; Catch the trade winds in your sails and EXPLORE…DREAM…DISCOVER.
—Mark Twain

Healthy Tips for the Holidays

Begin the day with a walk, run, bike ride, yoga session, or some kind of physical exercise.  This will not only remind you to be conscious of your eating decisions later in the day, but will burn off the cocktail or dessert you most likely will consume.

** Eat before you go**
Do not go to your holiday dinner starving.  This will only lead to binge eating.  Instead eat a healthy nutritious breakfast.  Some examples could be my delicious green smoothie, oatmeal with chopped nuts and honey, or sprouted toast with 100% natural peanut or almond butter and a banana.

** Start with healthy options ( this may have to be the dish you bring)**
Go for the healthier foods first.  Make sure to eat some fruits or veggies so when you do attack the less healthy options you do not over indulge.  If you know there will not be any healthy options, then make sure to bring one yourself.  Veggie trays or fruit platters ate great easy options.  I will be posting healthy alternatives to your favorite dishes all week!

**Start small**
Once you are ready to dig in, make sure to only get a small sample of each dish.  Savor each delicious bite, and remember to chew your food.  It takes your brain 20 minutes to feel full, so remember to eat slow and enjoy!

**Skip the empty calories**
I know getting together with friends and family and celebrating usually includes drinking.  Remember that with all the food you are comsuming, it is going to take much more alcohol to feel the buzz than normal.  I reccommend eating first, then enjoy a glass of wine or light cocktail.  Please skip the juice or soda or eggnog if you do opt to have a cocktail. 

**Do not worry- there are leftovers**
This is not your last meal!  Going into dinner feeling this way will leave you stuffed, lazy, and feeling guilty.  If you do take too much food, wrap some of it up as soon as you start feeling full.  There is nothing better than a cold turkey, stuffing, and sweet potato mash for lunch the day after Thanksgiving. 

If for some unknown reason you forget all these tips I gave you, it is OK!  Instead of feeling guilty, be thankful for the delicious meal with good people.  Go for an after dinner walk, or get a game of football or catch started.  If all else fails, there is always tomorrow. 

Healthy mashed potatoes and parsnips

5 lb turnips- quarted
2 lb potatoes- quarted
1 cup chopped onions
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp butter
1 Tsp salt and pepper

1.  Boil turnips in salted water for about 10 minutes.  Add potatoes and cook until vegetables are tender 15-20 minutes.  Drain well.  Saute onions and olive oil.  Add to potato mixture along with the butter, salt, and pepper.  Best served hot.  Enjoy!!!!

You can add garlic, herbs, buttermilk, or sourcream to this recipe.  Make it your own.  Spice it up!

Email me for a free health consultaion!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

You've Got to Move it to Lose it!

Surprise!  In order to maintain or lose weight you need to move your body and exercise. Find an activity that you enjoy.  I recommend at least 2 hours of exercise a week.  Mix it up.  Yoga, swimming, kickboxing, cycling, weight training, Pilates, jogging, and so on.  Most important, do something that is fun.  If you have to force yourself to go to the gym, you are gonna get burned out and quit. Here are some fun exercises and the amount of calories you can burn in an hour.
Ultimate Frisbee- 575 calories
Hula hooping- 400-600 calories
Salsa-400 calories
Rowing- 300-600 calories
Hiking- 500 Calories
Ice skating- 500 Calories

Here are a few reasons why you need to get moving now

Exercise controls your weight
It gives you more energy
Helps you prevent a wide range of health problems and concerns
Enhances your mood
Makes you feel sexy

Yummy snacks to eat after exercise (about 200 calories each)

Medium apple with Tbsp almond butter
Frozen banana with 8 chopped walnuts
Homemade granola

*1/3 cup raw pumpkin seeds
*1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds
*1/3 cup raw sesame seeds
*2 cups organic rolled oats
*1-2 teaspoons organic ground cinnamon
*3 tablespoons pure maple syrup
*3 tablespoons organic coconut oil, liquified in a pan of hot water, if necessary
*1 teaspoon vanilla extract
*1/2 cup organic raisins
*1/2 cup organic dried cranberries, unsulphured dried apricots, or other dried fruit (chopped, if necessary)
*1/4 cup raw cacao nibs- optional, but highly recommended (70% dark chocolate chips could be substituted, if desired)


1. Preheat oven to 250°F.
2. Pour all ingredients except cacao nibs in a large bowl and stir well.
3. Spread the mixture evenly onto a baking sheet in a thin layer.
4. Place the baking pan in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.
5. Remove pan from oven, toss granola around, rotate the pan, and bake for another 15 minutes. Repeat until granola is completely dry and light golden brown (about 1 hour total).
6. Allow to cool and then stir in cacao nibs. Store in an air-tight container.

Recipe is from

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The truth about grains

Since early civilization, whole grains have been the central element of the human diet.  Corn was the staple grain in the Americas.  People ate sorghum in Africa.  In the Middle East, people used wheat to make pita breads, couscous, and tabouli. The Europeans were eating corn, millet, wheat, rice, and pasta.  In Asia and India rice was the central grain. 

Why is it that these grains have been around for thousands of years, but only in the past few decades have they been labeled "bad".  I am sure each and every of you know someone who has cut back on carbs, or eliminated them completely from their diet.  You do not need to stay away from carbs, you need to eat the right kind.  

Whole grains are an excellent source of nutrition.  They contain essential enzymes, iron, dietary fiber, vitamin E and B- which are complex vitamins. Since the body absorbs the grains slowly, they provide sustained high quality energy.

Here are some grains that are worth adding to your diet. And remember- just because the package says its made from whole grains does not mean it is.  You need to read the ingredients!  If the first ingredient says unbleached enriched wheat flour, or has high fructose corn syrup in it- then stay away!!  Labels can be deceiving.  Remember- the less ingredients the better.

Quinoa- my favorite of all grains. Quinoa has the highest amount of protein than any other grain, so if you are a vegan or vegetarian I would recommend this grain daily.
Wild rice
Whole wheat couscous

My favorite recipe for quinoa

Rinse 1 cup quinoa
Add to 2 cups of stock or water
Bring to boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for about 15 minutes or until water is absorbed.
While the quinoa is cooking, chop these veggies and saute with 1 Tbsp olive oil

1 medium onion
1 cup carrots
2 stalks of celery
1 container of mushrooms

Add salt and pepper.  Combine the veggies with quinoa and enjoy with your favorite healthy main dish.

Some suggestions are:
Grilled salmon with lemon and dill
Sauted portabella mushrooms with balsalmic vinegar and olive oil
Baked teriyaki chicken

I hope you enjoy!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Greens Glorious Greens

For many people, including myself,  green leafy vegetables can be hard to introduce into your diet.  If you are like me, kale and spinach are not foods I have ever craved.  So in order to get them into my diet, I sneak them in wherever I can.  Here are some easy ways to add these amazing super foods into your breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu.  Also attached is reasons why leafy greens are so important to eat.

Green smoothie- 2 servings
Blend 1 Cup frozen berries, 1 banana, 1/4 cup favorite 100% juice- I like pomegranate, 1 TBSP chia seeds, 4 stalks of kale, and a handful of organic spinach.  If it tastes too "earthy" you can add a Tsp of honey or organic sugar to taste.

Spinach salad with dried cranberries, walnut, sliced nectarine, and red bell peppers.  Top with raspberry vinaigrette.  2 Tbsp raspberry, 1/4 cup grape seed oil, and salt and pepper to taste.

Baked kale chips
Preheat oven to 350.Remove leaves from kale Toss with 1 Tbsp olive oil and pinch of salt.  Bake until crispy

Saute 1 bunch of bok choy and 1 small onion with 1 Tbsp Bragg Liquid Aminos.  Serve with your favorite main dish.

Why greens are so important?!?!

Leafy green vegetables are crucial for weight management due to the low calorie content.  They are low in fat, and high in dietary fiber-which helps you feel full longer.  Leafy greens are high in calcium, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium.  Studies have shown that adding just 1 serving of greens to your diet a day can decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease by 11 percent.  Now imagine you add two servings to your diet! An increase also lowered your risk of diabetes by almost 10%.


Sunday, November 6, 2011


Aloha and welcome to Healthy Living With Erica.  I am going to share easy healthy recipes, documentaries, active tips, and so much more!  Please feel free to share your own tips and advice, or comment on something
 you would like to know more about.

Like many of you, diet and nutrition can be confusing. Look around any book store and there are rows and rows of bestseller diet books.  Each book gives you different advice, making it seem you can eat as much as you like, not exercise, and still see results!! People want an easy way to lose the weight that took years for them to gain.  When are we going to realize that any diet that says you can lose weight in two weeks is not true!  And if you do lose the weight in those weeks,  you are more than likely to gain it back plus some. 

With this being said, what can we do to lose weight, have more energy, and feel great?

Eat Whole Foods
Read food labels- If you do not recognize an ingredient, then why would you put it in your body?
Minimize processed foods
Eat fresh, organic free range meats
Keep it simple, fresh, and natural

Please follow my blog where I will post interesting articles on many health related topics.