Friday, November 18, 2011

Healthy Holiday Tips

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t
do, than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor; Catch the trade winds in your sails and EXPLORE…DREAM…DISCOVER.
—Mark Twain

Healthy Tips for the Holidays

Begin the day with a walk, run, bike ride, yoga session, or some kind of physical exercise.  This will not only remind you to be conscious of your eating decisions later in the day, but will burn off the cocktail or dessert you most likely will consume.

** Eat before you go**
Do not go to your holiday dinner starving.  This will only lead to binge eating.  Instead eat a healthy nutritious breakfast.  Some examples could be my delicious green smoothie, oatmeal with chopped nuts and honey, or sprouted toast with 100% natural peanut or almond butter and a banana.

** Start with healthy options ( this may have to be the dish you bring)**
Go for the healthier foods first.  Make sure to eat some fruits or veggies so when you do attack the less healthy options you do not over indulge.  If you know there will not be any healthy options, then make sure to bring one yourself.  Veggie trays or fruit platters ate great easy options.  I will be posting healthy alternatives to your favorite dishes all week!

**Start small**
Once you are ready to dig in, make sure to only get a small sample of each dish.  Savor each delicious bite, and remember to chew your food.  It takes your brain 20 minutes to feel full, so remember to eat slow and enjoy!

**Skip the empty calories**
I know getting together with friends and family and celebrating usually includes drinking.  Remember that with all the food you are comsuming, it is going to take much more alcohol to feel the buzz than normal.  I reccommend eating first, then enjoy a glass of wine or light cocktail.  Please skip the juice or soda or eggnog if you do opt to have a cocktail. 

**Do not worry- there are leftovers**
This is not your last meal!  Going into dinner feeling this way will leave you stuffed, lazy, and feeling guilty.  If you do take too much food, wrap some of it up as soon as you start feeling full.  There is nothing better than a cold turkey, stuffing, and sweet potato mash for lunch the day after Thanksgiving. 

If for some unknown reason you forget all these tips I gave you, it is OK!  Instead of feeling guilty, be thankful for the delicious meal with good people.  Go for an after dinner walk, or get a game of football or catch started.  If all else fails, there is always tomorrow. 

Healthy mashed potatoes and parsnips

5 lb turnips- quarted
2 lb potatoes- quarted
1 cup chopped onions
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp butter
1 Tsp salt and pepper

1.  Boil turnips in salted water for about 10 minutes.  Add potatoes and cook until vegetables are tender 15-20 minutes.  Drain well.  Saute onions and olive oil.  Add to potato mixture along with the butter, salt, and pepper.  Best served hot.  Enjoy!!!!

You can add garlic, herbs, buttermilk, or sourcream to this recipe.  Make it your own.  Spice it up!

Email me for a free health consultaion!!!

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